Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Valentine Treat Giveaway!

This weekend, I'm going to be baking up a storm!  The goodies in the kitchen will include cupcakes and cookies, all in decked out in Valentine fashion!  Strawberries, chocolate, red velvet, cream cheese....are you salivating yet?!?  Trust me, it will be scrumptious!!!  I want you to try them, too, for free!  I want to give away several half-dozen cookies and cupcakes.  If you'd like to win some of these goodies, simply follow this blog and then leave me a comment below to let me know that you are.  (Pssst!  Tell your friends & family and have them follow too!!!  Maybe if they win, they'll share with you!)  You have until Friday at noon to get your name in the hat!  Winners will be announced Saturday morning!

(There's only one little downside to the giveaway.  This is for local, Atlanta folks only.  I am not comfortable with shipping baked goods yet.  Still need to do some more research so that you don't end up with moldy, smashed cupcakes or cookies!  Now that wouldn't be any fun at all!)


  1. First follower! ....means I spend too much time on the computer, lol. Contest aside, I love looking at all the cake pictures!

  2. How fun that you have a blog now! Happy to be a follower!

  3. So how do I become a "follower"? I want some goodies, too! ;D
